Inspired are currently working alongside suppliers & contractors to implement the replacement of a glass atrium covering a retail Boardwalk within the heart of a Holiday resort in Somerset.

This former shopping mall connecting destinations currently experiences the effects of fabric failure and does not support energy performance demands, where interior levels of heat retention together with recovery and conditioning, do not function. As a consequence, our client’s resources are diverted from essential tasks to manage safety, and a heavy load is placed upon systems and services to operate almost permanently without backup.

Our proposal has carefully considered all features of building fabric conditions, the interior & exterior environments, all of the associated retail experiences and will serve overall, to enhance the operation of the boardwalk and the retail venues by improving levels of natural lighting throughout the building, by affording opportunity for systems and services to operate without regularly reaching their extents, and by enhancing the interior volume to present a greater feeling of open space in which guests would happily amble.

Design concept and development has been performed by Inspired, our in-house team of highly skilled designers utilise the latest 3D architectural and animation software’s to present real life imagery and walkthroughs ensuring that our client’s expectations are competently managed. The completed proposal will transfer a reasonably tired circulation space into a functional destination, providing new opportunities for commercial and social benefit. Planning is well progressed and works are programmed to commence early 2020 for completion, in good time before our clients High Volume breaks begin.