Inspired were appointed in 2020 to assist our client with the enhancement of their home in Williton, West Somerset by adding a new storey to enclose an ensuite bathroom for their master bedroom. Our in-house design team attended the property prior to the Christmas break and following agreement of a design with the client to accommodate all client, environment and planning demands a planning application was submitted and is currently receiving officer’s consideration.
Our use of 3D imagery and animations in all development proposals of any scale, provide our clients, and stakeholders including local authority officers and funding agencies with a clear and concise view and understanding of any proposal, eradicating the pitfalls of interpretation for all parties, and encouraging concentration upon detail to promote smooth implementation. The combination of snowfall modelling and applied texture provides a clear and concise demonstration of intent, whilst embodied spatial modelling allows a proposal to be interrogated from interior spaces and adjoining land to ensure that matters of overshadowing and overlooking are duly considered and accommodated.
If you are looking to remodel and enhance your existing home, why not engage 3D modelling to assist your decision-making process? Call Inspired on 01823 270764.