Inspired were appointed by our clients in 2021 to assist them with the preparation of applications for statutory consent associated with a private residential development in a busy rural setting.

Using Topographic data gathered from the site by our survey partners at Anthony Brooks Surveys Ltd, our Architect James Goldring, set about the task of designing a group of 3 bedroomed dwellings that would sit discretely within the setting, among historic thatched and modern mix dwellings close to the village heart, our scheme development considered matters of Biodiversity and Sustainability, Highway Safety & Archaeology, flooding & surface water management, landscape character & development design to ensure that the submitted proposal had the best opportunity to be received positively by planning officers without the application of pre-construction constraints.

Our client’s Principal Contractor has already been engaged, and site works shall be commencing as soon as a positive decision is received.

If you require assistance with the development and management of your project, call inspired on 01823 270764 or email us at with your bespoke services enquiry.