Inspired were appointed in 2019 to assist our client with a replacement of a glass atrium over a shopping parade at a UK Holiday providers resort in Somerset. Design works including 3D modelling and animations were undertaken throughout 2019, and working in partnership with our clients Structural Engineers at Crouch Waterfall and principal contractor at Jones Building Group, a carefully planned scheme of R&M works commenced in 2020, just prior to the implementation of the Covid-19 Lockdown period.

This week our Design & Surveying teams at inspired, have undertaken inspection of the ongoing works to determine that high levels of safety, quality, and compliance are being maintained, and to determine progress ensuring that the works are fully completed prior to social circumstances allowing the return of Guests. The existing frame structure of the roof has now been entirely stripped and redecorated with a high quality robust decorative system and new double-glazing system has extended to cover now 90% of the envelope to return water-tightness. Connection gutters have been fully renewed using a GRP system, and interior casing closure works are commenced in readiness for the installation of lighting systems.

If you are a commercial operator and you require assistance with the assessment of condition, design for and implementation of a Repair, Maintenance, or Replacement project please do give us a call on 01823 270764.