Inspired was appointed in August 2019 to assist our clients with a strategic enhancement of their daytime living space, so that they may gain a more family functional interior layout allowing greater and more considered access to their exterior seating spaces, and to wider mature private gardens.

Our in-house team of skilled domestic designers set about this task with their usual vigour, first determining and working with pre-existing constraints to create a series of arrangement concepts layouts for expansion very closely matched, with a series of interior re-ordering options. A process of review and debate determined a layout which would achieve all of our clients desired outcomes by means of the smallest degree of compromise.  In this case, the project calls for the addition of a small extension designed specifically to provide garden viewing from the heart of the dwelling, at the same time affording privacy from close neighbours linked, with a re-ordering of pre-existing kitchen and dining spaces. The completed scheme will afford spatial benefits to the kitchen and dining spaces, will afford a volumous family seating space and, with a careful choice of exterior doors styles will provide an essential link between the family space and the garden which will be limited only by the weather and dwelling boundaries.

Statutory positions relating to planning and building control services have been resolved, a general builder has been appointed, and works are programmed for commencement early in 2020.